With more than 22 years of experience, our CL Mundo Commitment is to offer a quality, comprehensive, timely, personalized Travel Experience that meets the expectations of our Tour Operator partners. We have a Quality Management model, based on continuous improvement and our main focuses are: We disseminate the riches of our country, its customs, gastronomy, its natural and cultural heritage, helping to promote sustainable and quality tourism. We establish fluid communication channels with our customers, operators and passengers: to know and satisfy their needs, guaranteeing them a friendly and personalized treatment. We design Travel Experiences according to the new demands of our clients, identifying opportunities and bringing new destinations closer. We develop high standards for processes and procedures, always focused on the provision of the tourist service, to ensure efficiency and promotion of constant improvement. We promote innovation and implementation of new technologies in our own facilities and services. We generate Work Teams, permanently informing and sensitizing collaborators about their important participation and responsibility in the quality of their management. We promote a pleasant work environment to work and we feel committed to a permanent policy of growth and projection of our collaborators & partners CL Mundo.
We design Travel Experiences in Chile, with a wide range of services, satisfying the requirements of Operators clients, guaranteeing an excellent tourist service, with the highest quality standards for passengers, during their stay in Chile.
Our vision is to be a recognized as a Great company in the tourism industry, mostly for its credibility, quality of service and its contribution to improving Chile image.
Managing Director
Sales & Operations Manager
Travel Designer
Sales executive
MICE Sales Executive
Sales Assistant
Head of Traffic and Logistics
Traffic & Logistics
Executive Attention to Travelers
Head of Administration and Finance
Accounting Assistant
Content Manager
Directora de Experiencia
Group Assistant
Sales Assistant
Product Assistant
Quality Control Specialist
As CLMUNDO, we have the SAFE TRAVELS seal delivered by the WTTC (WORLD TRAVEL & TOURISM COUNCIL) in August 2020 and it certifies us as DMC in Chile for the development, implementation and improvement of Biosafety protocols during the entire Travel experience. We have applied the highest biosafety standards to our work teams, strategic partners and travelers throughout Chile. The application of all our SAFE TRAVEL measures, are based on regulations established by the Ministry of Health (MINSAL) and are applied to our entire travel experience including Reception of travelers at airports, access to bus terminals and ports, development of transfers and excursions, accommodation in hotels and Full Experience properties, restaurants, visits to vineyards, national parks and museums, as well as boat trips and expedition cruises.